The City’s Budget & Procurement Office, under the direction of the Financial Services Director, is responsible for ensuring that all City purchases of goods and services are conducted in accordance with Federal and State laws as well as the City’s purchasing ordinance.
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Here you can search for vendors who have registered to do business with the City of Palm Coast and are considered active. You can search by their business name, EIN or SSN.
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Budget & Procurement Office
Budget & Procurement Office shall operate with the highest degree of integrity and professional ethics. NO CITY OF PALM COAST OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE MAY ACCEPT ANY GIFT IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR SERVICE TO OR EMPLOYMENT WITH THE CITY.
Budget and Procurement Office (BPO) Responsibilities
- Maintain a procurement and contracting process that:
- Is compliant with Federal, State and Local laws
- Is ethical, fair and objective
- Is competitive and cost effective manner
- Is designed to enhance efficiency
- Promotes good will and clear communications in City-vendor relations
- Identifies and reduces City's contractual risk