housing panel discussion may 2024

From Blueprint to Action

From Blueprint to Action: Local Strategies for Housing Policy Advancement is a luncheon-style forum for those interested in policy – especially where affordability is concerned. Participants will be able to ask questions of the panelists and provide their input on the topic.

From Blueprint to Action: Local Strategies for Housing Policy Advancement is a luncheon-style forum for those interested in policy – especially where affordability is concerned. Participants will be able to ask questions of the panelists and provide their input on the topic.

Panelists will include the following: Scott Culp, principal of the Atlantic Housing Partners (for-profit affordable housing developer); Bill Lazar, executive director of the St. Johns Housing Partnership (non-profit affordable housing developer); Ali Ankudowich, AICP, Technical Advisor with the Florida Housing Coalition; Annamaria Long, executive officer of the Flagler Home Builders Association; Maeven Rogers, chief sustainability and resiliency officer for the City of Palm Coast; and, Jay Gardner, Flagler County Property Appraiser.

Tickets to attend this luncheon forum are available through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/housing-policy-forum-tickets-837483695277?aff=oddtdtcreator.